On this site you will find a very general Menu System and samples of our Business Forms. These two formats can be arranged and patterned to satisfy many of your business information needs. Because these menus and forms can be adapted in any way, they can be extended to meet your exact requirements. As we mentioned, these items are released under the 'GPL'. and you are free to copy, change, and use them as you see fit, you just can't sell them.
We apologize that these forms are not 'active'. The data that you enter is not going to be saved anywhere. This is intentional, because we have seen 'sample' sites that accumulate garbage. Also, validation and error checking are missing. But, you get the idea anyway...
We recommend that these menus and forms be connected to proven and open web server systems, such as: LAMP - (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP). For heavy usage or high security user and data loads, we suggest PostgreSQL. All of these systems are Free and Open-Source. We can also attach to Sybase, Orable, IBM-DB/2, or other database systems.
Our Services are available to you, and include:
Organizational Needs Analysis.
Custom Design and Programming of Menus and Forms.
Evaluating, Specifying and Procuring suitable equipment.
Installation and Documentation of equipment, networking and peripherals.
Training of Employees and proofing the new system.
Conversion of Existing Data for the new system.
Periodic reviews of System Fitness for current company objectives.
Design and Construction of an Assembly Line for your custom applications.
Our billing is for time, travel, and materials. We will be glad to quote 'firm, fixed price' on fully specified projects. Maintenance contracts may also be configured for both systems and equipment.