Tri-Stanna Industries
Sample : Needs Analysis Worksheet
Purpose and Scope of the Analysis.
The 'Needs Analysis' furnishes the roadmap for your information processing procedures.
- It flows from a complete review of your present operation;
- through an investigation of your 'wish list' for a perfect system;
- and results in a clear description of the most economical, most comprehensive, and least
disruptive installation for your operation.
Organizational Overview
This is a physical description of the corporate level structure with a
narrative discussion of company policy and goals with a detailed of:
- Present Information Processes and Inventories
- Present EDP/ADP Equipment and Facilities
- Present Staffing Levels and Organization
- Present Flow and Control of Data
- Narrative Discussion of Five-year-planning
- Analysts Comments.
Operational Investigations
- Review of Company Departmental Structure
- Analysis of Departmental Operations (each)
- Purpose and Scope of Operation
- Conformity to Corporate Planning and Goals
- Review of Present Information Processes
- Discussion of Processes:
- Benefits to Organizational Goals;
- Detriments to Organizational Goals;
- Analysis Comments
- Composite Analysis of Present System.
- List of Objectives
- Design Criteria
- Equipment
- Server Configuration Requirements
- Client/Browser Requirements
- Peripherel Equipment Requirements
- Data Communication Requirements
- Operating System
- System Software
- Organizational Level Requirements
- Operational Level Requirements (each)
- Functional Description
- Accuracy of Data
- Security
- Time Constraints
- Throughput
- Response
- Priority
- Input / Output Requirements
- Failure Contingency
- System Support (Non-EDP)
- Cost Factors
Contact : Bill Fahy
Morehead City, NC 28557