Here is an excellent short history of the
'Free/Open Source Software Movement'.
Generally, the 'rule' in the Open Source community is that truly free software must
allow every user the right to:
1. Run the program, for any purpose;
2. Study and Modify the program source code to suit their needs;
3. Redistribute copies of the original for free;
4. Distribute modified versions of the program source for free.
Tri-Stanna Industries will produce ONLY software that is covered by the 'GNU General Public License'. This will assure our clients that they have complete control over the software that they use, and that there will be no additional 'licensing' fees or restrictions on copying or usage.
Further, the 'standards-based environment' that we have chosen to follow in the future should carry forward for the next 12 to 15 years. All of our pages on this site and in our installed systems, are validated by the W3C, for XHTML1-Strict and CSS-2 compliance.