Tri-Stanna Industries

Master Menu & Outline

Black - Menu Item
Green - Older programs to be converted
Blue - Links to forms converted to XHTML &CSS-2
  1. Financials
    1. Accounts Receivable
      1. Accounts Receivable Maintenance
      2. Post Sales
      3. Post Payments
      4. Post Finance Charges
      5. Print Monthly Statements
      6. Print Summary of Accounts
      7. Print Aging of Accounts
    2. Accounts Payable
      1. Accounts Payable Posting
      2. Print Summary of Accounts
      3. Print Aging of Accounts
    3. Combo Ledger
      1. Post Receipts to Ledger
      2. Print Combination Ledger
      3. Print Receipts by Vendor
      4. Print Receipts by Account
    4. General Ledger
      1. Chart of Accounts
        1. Chart of Accounts Posting
        2. Account Status Inquiry
        3. Print Chart of Accounts List
        4. Print Chart of Accounts Summary
        5. Print Balance Sheet
        6. Print Income Statement
        7. Print Retained Earnings
        8. Print Cash Flow Statement
        9. Print Change in Financial Position
        10. Print Working Capital Analysis
      2. Journal Entry
        1. General Journal Entries
        2. Print Journal Entry List
        3. Print Source of Funds List
        4. Transaction Signatures
      3. Miscellaneous
        1. Budget Preparation
        2. Print Budget Listing
        3. Print Actual/Budget Comparison
        4. Initialize General Ledger
        5. Advance to next Fiscal Year
        6. Transfer Signature Records
    5. Weekly Payroll (for: Salary, Hourly, Commissions, Incentives, Tips)
      1. Employees
        1. Employee Records
        2. Emplotee Earnings History
        3. Sort and Print Reports
        4. Incentives
        5. Tips
      2. Weekly Activity
        1. Post Weekly Pay Vouchers
        2. Update Weekly Pay Vouchers
        3. Print Weekly Pay Vouchers
        4. Print Weekly Payroll Register
        5. Print Weekly Payroll Checks
        6. Print Weekly Payroll Check Listing
        7. Print Time Card Labels
      3. Periodic Reports
        1. Print Period Ending Reports
        2. Print Annual Ending Report
        3. Print W-2 Forms
        4. Archive Annual Payroll Data
        5. Set Period Totals to Zero
        6. Set Annual Totals to Zero
      4. Payroll Set-Up
        1. Setup Payroll Tax Chart
        2. Setup Payroll Deduction Chart
        3. Void a Payroll Check
        4. Print Check List by Employee #
        5. Print Gross Pay List by Employee #
    6. Travel & Expenses
      1. Personal Weekly Travel Report
      2. Summarize Weekly Travel Reports
      3. Print Weekly Travel Summary
      4. Print Personal Travel Expense Checks
      5. Post Weekly Travel to General Ledger
  2. General Business
    1. Contact Manager
      1. Business & Organizations
        1. General Info.
        2. Shipping & Billing Info.
        3. Credit Add-on
      2. Personal
        1. General Info.
        2. Shipping & Billing Info.
        3. Credit Add-on
        4. Identity Add-on
        5. Relatives Add-on
        6. Employee Add-on
    2. Inventory Control
      1. Product ID
      2. Assemblies
      3. Bulk Material
      4. Finished Goods
      5. Raw Material
      6. W.I.P.
    3. Invoicing
      1. Cash Register
      2. Open Account Billing
      3. Layaway
      4. Time Purchases
      5. Time and Materials
  3. Specialties
    1. Hospitality
      1. Front Desk
      2. Food Service
      3. Bar Service
    2. Manufacturing
      1. Bill of Materials
      2. Costing
      3. Incentive Payroll
      4. Operation Specifications
      5. Purchasing
      6. Quality Documentation (ISO-9xxx)
      7. Shipping & Invoicing
    3. Municipal/Gov't
      1. Building Permits
      2. Property Records
    4. Professional
      1. Dental
      2. Medical
      3. Legal
      4. Funeral
    5. Real Estate
      1. Listings
      2. Rental
    6. Retail
      1. Bookshop
      2. General Retail
      3. Video Rentals
      4. Personal & Services
    7. Service Shop
      1. Job-Cost Estimating
  4. Utilities
    1. Back-Up Data Files
    2. Restore Data Files
    3. Fix Invalid File Indexes
    4. Export Data Records
    5. Import Data Records
    6. Modify Report Layouts
    7. System Set-up